How will you understand, whether a person is real, good or fake & bad?

When a person has everything, money & other material things, that is the time we will came to know how good they are, how they behave with others(with a known person, strangers, poor people). Don’t judge, when a person has nothing because when a person is poor and struggling in their life, their behavior will always be good or same towards all.

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How should we bring happiness in our life?

Love yourself, don’t depend on others for your happiness. Your happiness depends completely 100% on yourself, not on anybody else in this world. Don’t waste time thinking about people who ignores you, who disrespects you, who hurts you, who did bad with you. Because for this, God is there to think and gives you justice. Left everything on God as God is the only one who is ruling our life.

For Example, in schools Principal or teacher rules our life as long as we are in school, so if any wrong happens with us, we complain or tell our problems to our teachers or Principal. They will listen our problems and at the end, they will do justice with us & will punish the guilt. In the same way in home, our parents rules our life, if we face any issue, we inform our parents and they try their best to solve our problem. In a country, government rules every citizen.

In the similar way, this universe is ruled by God. We can tell our problems to God, obviously God will do justice. For that our intention should be good, our soul must be pure & must have strong believe in God, then only God will listen surely. But yes, like in school, teachers & principal do justice very fast or immediately. In the same way, God will do justice but in a very unique manner, sometimes fast, sometimes very late, but it will not get skip, we will have to wait with patience. Our life is very precious, each & every second of our life is very important for us. Instead of thinking about people who hurt us or did bad with us, spent those minutes or moments with positive thinking or by doing good deeds, little or big doesn’t matter.

As we do hard work, by doing small or big jobs just to earn money and save it for future. Some may earn little money & some may earn huge amount of money but all are saving money for future little or big amount. In the same way, if we do good deeds small or big, without wasting time or thinking about negative people associated with our life and without thinking about people who try to put us down or who hurt us badly, we will save lots of blessings for our future. Doing good deeds for others, may be people will forget you after few days or years but each & every small & big good deeds are counted by God & are converted to blessing for future & forever.People may forget your good deeds but God will never forget you. We should always think only about ourselves & for people who always do good for us, care & think about us, who is always with us with good intention in our good & bad days equally & obviously for poor people of the society, who don’t have anyone to help.

Why God sent wrong people in our life before we meet right person in our life?

Just to make us understand, experience and for making us aware about the depth of wrong people’s mind & their bad intention that exist in this earth. As good deeds can be done in thousand ways that we all know. For example by helping people in multiple ways, helping animal, providing food to the poor, thinking good for all & many different ways we can do good deeds.

n the same ways, wrong deeds also has no limit. People with bad intention can do wrong work in multiple ways. God sent people with bad intention in our life, just to make us aware, about the types of deeds which are wrong. Because whenever people hurt us, even we did nothing wrong with them, that time we realize that their act is wrong towards us as it hurt us badly. So in this way, different people hurt us in different way in our life. Their every action, words & their thinkings which hurt us, make us experience and realize the existence of different types of wrong deeds and we become more aware of those words & action which can hurt anyone.

For Example, some people started reading Bhagavad Gita – the sacred book of Hindus, at an early stage of life, only to gain knowledge, experience & to aware of this universe, what is good and bad deeds, rules and regulations that God has created for this universe.

At the end, after lots of struggles when God send us the right person in our life, we feel more blessed & more happier than others, as compared to people who get right person initially without any bad experience.

For Example, we drink water daily, we feel very normal while drinking water. But imagine we are out in a full sunny days, we feel very thirsty, no water with us & even no shops nearby so that we can drink water. And after lots of struggle, somehow we managed to get some water and the moment we drink water, we feel so much happy & relax as compared to other normal days when we drink water.

In the above example, we get the drinking water after lots of struggle & we feel very very happy, in the same way when we get good & right person in our life after lots of struggle, after dealing with wrong people many times, we feel very happy & blessed.

God has made right person for everyone, some gets initially & some gets at the end after lots of struggle. So whoever get the right person at the end, that feeling is more precious. So be happy always, no need to worry, no need to take any tension or feel sad if we don’t feel good with any person(may be friend, colleague or any relationship) because God is going to send the right person anytime. We just need to have n faith on God with patience.

What we should do when we face failures in our life?

Struggle, failure is a part of our life like when we first learn cycling in our childhood we fall many times but we don’t lose hope because our family members are with us all the time to teach us how to ride cycle, whenever we are about to fall they will protect us or they will take care of us. In the same way, as we grow up, in each and every step of our life we learn something new like in school time, when we get promoted, we get new class, new teachers, new books, new topics. Initially we face difficulty, but we don’t get scare because we know our teacher is there to help us to overcome those difficulty. For example when we join new job as a fresher, initially everything is new to us, sometime very hard to understand our day to day activities but slowly slowly we understand everything with the help of our senior. But we don’t leave job right because we have trust on our seniors that they are going to help us in learning and understanding.

In the same way, God is there to help us overcome our struggles. We cant see God but yes God resides in everyone heart. Those who follow the path of honesty, do good deeds with good intention, think good about others not only for close people but also for stranger, God is always with them to help. Obviously God will not come directly from Heaven to help but God will send angel in the form of human to help us. But yes, sometimes what we want we don’t get, we only get failure, after doing lots of struggle and hard work and even after doing good deeds, the reason is that God has written something better for us. No one can see and predict the future except God. The dream we see, if it get fulfilled, we will be very happy that moment but if that dream is not fulfilled, we feel sad and depressed.

Can anyone gurantee, the dream we want to achieve, will give us happiness life long and forever. Who knows that after achieving that dream, that dream will give us happiness for short duration or for whole life. No one knows. Am I right. We should see dreams always at any stage of our life. We should not stop dreaming. Without dream, life become hopeless. We should always listen our heart, what we want in our life. And obviously we should do hard work with strong patience to achieve our dreams. So even after doing hard work, if we cant achieve our dreams, we break down or go to depression soon. Its very natural to feel sad, to cry the moment we face failure but only for short duration say a month or two, we should continue to be sad not more than that.

We need to make us understand this world is very big, different people have different dreams. If we fail to achieve one dream, we should imagine and see more and more dreams so that if we fail to achieve some of our dreams, we will not feel hopeless, because our life is short but our dreams are big and many.

Remember in every failure of our life at any stage, some positivity is hidden, that you will realize when you are in happy mood and that moment when you are thinking about all the bad memory or incident that happens in your past. And you will tell yourselves, whatever happens, is for good only, that good things we can’t realize the moment we suffer failure. If we would have understood that moment, the depression level would have started decreasing instead of increasing.
